Actively addressing the “oldest humanitarian crisis” in the world

On February 24, 2022, Russian forces invaded Ukraine. Over 8 million people have been displaced, and a significant number of those who have fled their homes are older people.
One in four people in Ukraine are over 60 years old, and in eastern Ukraine one in three people needing assistance since the Russian invasion have been over 60 years old. Older people, many of whom have mobility challenges that inhibit traveling to seek aid, lack of access to information online, and limited resources, are unable to access humanitarian relief. There is an urgent need among older Ukrainians for health care and psychosocial support.
HelpAge Canada delivers humanitarian relief to thousands of older Ukrainians and their families through our partner, HelpAge International.
Since 2014, HelpAge International has been supporting older people in Eastern Ukraine, supplying:
- Food
- Hygiene items
- Assistive products
- Home-based care
- Psychosocial support services
2.5 Million
Older Ukrainians are estimated to be in need of humanitarian relief since the full-scale escalation of the war in Ukraine
In humanitarian relief reached 7,700 older Ukrainians and their families fleeing war zones in 2021-22
HelpAge was one of the first Canadian non-governmental organizations to be funded by Global Affairs Canada, based on its existing capacity in neighbouring countries such as Moldova
A Rapid Needs Assessment conducted by HelpAge in the oblasts of Lvivska, Chernivetska and Dnipropetrovska, provides insights into the heightened and specific challenges faced by older people in the regions:
Of the displaced older people had at least one health condition, with seven out of ten stating that they had more than one.
Of older people had at least one disability. The most common disabilities identified related to mobility, sight, remembering, and communicating.
Of older people do not have a family member or friend who can provide them with support.
With this needs assessment as a guide, HelpAge is scaling up its work, creating targeted programming for older people with and without disabilities. We will help provide multipurpose cash assistance, hygiene kits, community-based protection services, support to care homes, and home-based care.
Read Stories and Updates from Ukraine
Supporting Ukrainian
refugees in Moldova
While most of the total refugee population in Moldova has since passed through to Romania and beyond, around 86,266 have chosen to stay in Moldova. Older people who arrive in Moldova have faced difficult and traumatizing journeys, complicated by mobility issues and other health problems. Every person who arrives in Moldova has unique needs, so tailored support is needed more than ever.

are currently being provided with food catering or food vouchers in 49 refugee accommodation centres across Moldova. In total, HelpAge provided over 500,000 meals to refugees from Mid-march to June, 2022.
refugee accommodation centres
received institutional hygiene kits. These included washing mops, washing up liquid, hand sanitizer, and other items.
have received hygiene vouchers or kits that were distributed at 45 refugee accommodation centres across Moldova, allowing refugees to access items such as soap, masks, hand sanitizer, and cleaning products.
With special thanks to our partners

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