Mr. Mumtaz Ali, 59, was in dire straits after he lost his ability to walk and began suffering from severe kidney disease. Working in Pakistan after the devastating floods that left a third of the country underwater, HelpAge and its community partner HANDS (Health and Nutrition Society) – both renowned for their expertise in humanitarian action for older people and people with disabilities stepped up to help Mumtaz. They provided him with a wheelchair and a commode chair, which are simple but life changing devices that gave him back some of his independence and mobility.
With his new wheelchair, Mumtaz can now move around freely, not only in his home but also outside, reconnecting with friends and relatives. HelpAge and HANDS also gave Mumtaz and his family support with medical costs and essential items, relieving some of the financial stress they’d faced after the floods. Mumtaz has been profoundly moved by the support he’s received and the feeling of being recognized and cared for in hard times, saying:
“After losing everything, I had no money to buy food for my family or even for treatment and a wheelchair to go outside. Now, with the help of HelpAge and partner organization, I am no longer worried – I can go outside and meet with my friends and other relatives. This relief gives me stability. No one knew the value of this small aid, but I’m honoured that HelpAge saw me in the corner of my house and provided [support]. I am very happy about that.”