Stories of Older People in Ukraine
Eastern Ukraine is facing sub-zero conditions and heavily shelled areas, and older people living there desperately need food, clean drinking water, and medication. Read the first-hand accounts of the struggles impacting older people amidst the war.
Crafting Community Together: The Story of the Cold Lake Men’s Shed and Age Friendly Cold Lake
In 2019, Cold Lake Alberta saw the inception of the Cold Lake Men’s Shed, spearheaded by Wayne Warner. Drawing from his military experience, Wayne noticed that older men often didn’t get the mental health support they need and was motivated to take action. Speaking to...
Restoring Mobility after Pakistan’s Devastating Floods: Mumtaz’s Story
Mr. Mumtaz Ali, 59, was in dire straits after he lost his ability to walk and began suffering from severe kidney disease. Working in Pakistan after the devastating floods that left a third of the country underwater, HelpAge and its community partner HANDS (Health and...
WEBINAR: Canadian CBSS Interim Community Leadership Council
Hear from Karen McDonald of Healthy Aging Alberta, Marta Hajek of Elder Abuse Ontario – the co-Chairs of the Canadian CBSS Interim Community Leadership Council – along with Gregor Sneddon, Executive Director of HelpAge Canada, as they share why now is the time to...
Canadian CBSS Interim Community Leadership Council: Open Call for Members
HelpAge Canada and its partners are thrilled to announce the establishment of the Canadian Community-Based Seniors’ Services (CBSS) Interim Community Leadership Council. This Interim Council is designed to enable the CBSS community to affirm the governance structure,...
“Who can I help today?” – The Story of Fundy Men’s Shed
The Fundy Men's Shed, located in Saint John, New Brunswick, launched in 2023 with eight members. Their collective mission is powerful: learn new skills, forge meaningful connections, and make a difference in their community. The group was fortunate to land the...
In the Historic Heart of the Community – The Story of Minnedosa Men’s Shed
From meeting in a laundromat for seven years to gathering weekly at one of their town’s most popular tourist attractions, Minnedosa Men’s Shed in Minnedosa, MB, has been going strong for nearly a decade. The town’s Heritage Village, a pioneer village that boats nine...
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HelpAge Canada serves as an information hub for CBSS organizations and other partners to gain expertise, get involved, and stay informed about what’s happening in the sector. We offer resources, relationships, and programs that help local organizations to support older people in their communities.
We appreciate the support of our generous donors in helping us create a world in which all older persons lead secure, healthy, active and dignified lived.