Stories of Older People in Ukraine

Eastern Ukraine is facing sub-zero conditions and heavily shelled areas, and older people living there desperately need food, clean drinking water, and medication. Read the first-hand accounts of the struggles impacting older people amidst the war.

The Big Day

The Big Day

The Big Day Today, I embark on a monitoring trip to Africa, visiting Ethiopia and Kenya for 5 weeks. In Ethiopia I will be visiting our HelpAge International and Global Affairs Canada project serving over 52,000 older persons and people with disabilities in seven...



EthiopiaImproving the well-being and dignity of those with special needs, including older persons and individuals with disabilities, in Ethiopia.In Gambella, a region in southeastern Ethiopia, 381,660 refugees from South Sudan are sheltered across seven camps. Among...

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HelpAge Canada serves as an information hub for CBSS organizations and other partners to gain expertise, get involved, and stay informed about what’s happening in the sector. We offer resources, relationships, and programs that help local organizations to support older people in their communities.

We appreciate the support of our generous donors in helping us create a world in which all older persons lead secure, healthy, active and dignified lived.