Thank you

Thank you

HAC’s Executive Director gives heart-felt thanks to the outpouring of support for Ukraine’s older people facing...
Spring 2022 – Ageism is REAL

Spring 2022 – Ageism is REAL

Spring 2022 – Ageism is REAL Apr 29, 2022 | Newsletters One of the most powerful experiences I have had with HelpAge Canada is travelling and being confronted, face to face, with hard working, family loving, self-giving older people, who are destitute because there is...
Older people on the edge of survival in eastern Ukraine 

Older people on the edge of survival in eastern Ukraine 

Older people living in sub-zero conditions and heavily shelled areas of Eastern Ukraine desperately need food, clean drinking water and medication, according to a survey released today. The survey taken by HelpAge International staff and volunteers offers a glimpse of...
Winter 2022 – Dedicated to the Idea

Winter 2022 – Dedicated to the Idea

Winter 2022 – Dedicated to the Idea Feb 14, 2022 | Newsletters By 2050, almost 20% of the world’s population will be over 65, and in modern or developed countries likeCanada this number could be as high as one in three or even one in two people. It is not just that we...